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Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Little Bug And The Sunflower


"What a beautiful day" !, Said a little brown smelly bug. It sat on a leaf of a blooming sunflower. 

"What a bright and warm morning" said the sunflower.

"Tell me bug, why did you smell so bad when someone do bad things to you?"

"Well... in short i've found out that crying doesn't solve my problems, yet i have this smelly thing inside me and it keeps me save".

"Well done little bug, its a lovely morning isn't it? 

"It is..., by the way why did they called you Sunflower?"

" it needs a lot of time to tell the whole story"

"Don't worry, i have plenty of time, nobody bothers me, i have the smelly thing"

So they talked and talked and talked...happily ever after.

The End.

Bukit Kemuning, Lampung Utara 01 November 2018

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